Monday, March 5, 2012

Chapter 11

                              Chapter 11
                      The Journey Begins
Finally Rocky was let out of their den but Spots still glared at him sometimes when he started bragging and was overheard or when he rolled him eyes when Spots asked him to do something, but other than that they were fine. One day Fritz and Rocky went hunting together. Junx couldn't come because he had to do his chores which he called "torture". "I bet I can catch a lot more prey than you Runt." Rocky jeered at Fritz since none of their parents were close. Fritz ignored him and crouched, watching a vole. Before Fritz could pounce Rocky hissed loudly, "HI FRITZ!". Rocky giggled as the vole ran away from Fritz, terrified.
 Fritz hissed with disgust but before the vole got to its burrow a large gray paw killed it. "I believe this is yours, boys?" The gray wolf said gently to them. "Oh, I'm so sorry for not introducing myself! I'm Night, Silver's cousin." The gray wolf told them proudly."Shes traveling with Jubei!" He added quickly. Fritz just gaped, impressed. As for Rocky, he just rolled his eyes and put on his "why should I care" expression. "I'm honored to meet you Night! I'm Fritz and this is Rocky." Fritz told Night, nudging Rocky. "Tell your parents that you need to come with me." Night told them quickly. "WHY?!" Rocky spat angrily and before Fritz could stop him he tackled Night. Night gently shook him off and sternly said, "You are worthy to be with them or at least meet them." Night whispered only loud enough for Rocky and Fritz to hear. Fritz ran home to tell his parents while Rocky ignored and cursed to himself. When Fritz came back he crossed his paws. "Spots and Claws told me that..." Fritz paused and Rocky held his breath. "That we can go if we want." Fritz finished. "I'M NOT GOING!" Rocky snarled before any of them could do anything. "I'm going." Fritz told them all proudly. Night was a very stubborn wolf and so he dragged Rocky with them. "HELP! THEY'RE TRYING TO KIDNAP ME!!! SOMEONE!" Rocky yelled at the passing animals. They all knew what Night was going to do to the cheetahs because he told them before he actually did it. It was almost night and so they decided to set up camp, at least Night and Fritz did. Night and Fritz hunted while Rocky tried to scare away the prey. Finally Night had enough and cuffed Rocky around the ear with annoyance. At last they all had their bellies filled so they settled down to sleep.

Author's note:
Looks like Rocky has finally met his match with Night! Hehe. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for Night, GreatShot!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Chapter 10

                          Chapter 10
                Rocky the Big Bad Bully
Fritz got back to the "group" right away after thanking Sky. "What took you so long bro?" Sandy sputtered at Fritz scornfully, "We've been waiting HOURS!" Sandy finished, half amused. "Yeah bro! What took you so long? Have you been looking for "prey friends" again?" Rocky jeered at Fritz. Junx laughed so long that Rocky had to give him a cold stare that seemed to say "be quiet". "None of those guys! I found out that THERE is such thing as magic words!" Fritz burst out excitedly.
Sandy seemed to roll her eyes and Junx started a fit of laughter again. "Oh yeah, I knew about that Fritz, I just didn't want to tell you guys or you'll ruin the fun of magic." Rocky lied. Junx started to roll his eyes but Rocky glared at him, this time meaning to play along. "Oh, um yeah. Rocky knew ALL about that stuff but kept it secret." Junx finished, turning a little pale. "We aren't going to teach you, you know!" Rocky hissed at his sisters and at Fritz.
"THATS IT ROCKY!" Sandy growled as she tackled Rocky headfirst. Now they were all at least 6 or 7 years old and quite heavy. Rocky didn't care, he swiped at his sister and purposely slid out his claws. "You're supposed to keep your claws sheathed! I'm telling Spots and Claws!" Grassy cried. Before anyone could stop her she went running toward their den. Rocky rolled his eyes but kept quiet. Sandy's cheek had a big red scrape across it.
Suddenly Spots and Claws arrived with Grassy. "Rocky! We're ashamed of what we heard!" Claws growled. "Tattletail." Rocky whispered angrily. Spots grabbed him by his scruff and before he could complain about it she plopped him down awkwardly in front of their den. "You will be banned from going out of the den for a week!" Spots hissed even though she knew it was pretty harsh. Rocky acted like he didn't really care but inside his anger formed a round  ball, and all he thought about through those days were hate. All he cared about was himself and one day he thought he might run away. Fritz didn't know it but he and Rocky would have to live together...somewhere different.

Author's note:
Ooooh! Foreshadowing! Looks like maybe
Fritz and Rocky will have to live together in a 
different place! I wonder how they will
get to the "different place" and how will Rocky
will change...if he does...! (:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Chapter 9

                         Chapter 9
                   Flying With Sky
Meanwhile Sylia was learning magic, Fritz was gazing at the vultures, hawks, and falcons who were gliding above him. "I sure wish I could fly." He commented. "Well I can teach you!" Boomed a voice. Fritz looked around. Before Fritz could do or say anything a condor flew over. 
"I am Sky." Announced the condor, spreading out his wings, proudly. "Oh, I'm Fritz!" Fritz told the condor shyly. "Nice to meet you Fritz!" Sky said, in his loud hearty Chicago voice. "Fritz, I was like you when I was little. I actually never knew how to fly until I learned magic words!" Sky told him. "There are such things as magic words?!" Asked Fritz excitedly. "Yes, Fritz!" Sky told him in a quiet voice. 
"The word is...wait for it...javn!" Sky whispered to Fritz. "Now concentrate and say it!" Encouraged Sky. So thats exactly what Fritz did. "Javn!" Fritz cried. Fritz was suddenly gliding in the clouds. "Whoa Sky!" Fritz managed to say before making two loops in the air. Sky just smiled, he enjoyed helping animals.

Author's note:
If I make the text bigger for this. Anyway, it looks like Fritz is
is learning magic too! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chapter 8

                          Chapter 8
            Magic of the Old Language
"Ummm, Sylia?" Darkstripe asked suddenly. "Yes?" Sylia grunted. "I, I, I know magic." Darkstripe stammered. Sylia's face went blank with curiosity. "Could you teach me? I would love to learn!" Sylia answered eagerly. "I actually learned it from Key and Roxy." Darkstripe blurted out. Sylia had no idea who Roxy was or Key but she listened intently.
"The word du si derumoni means raise trunk of tree. Now concentrate and say it, lets see what it does." Darkstripe told her, grinning. Sylia concentrated so hard that her head hurt. "Du si derumoni!" Sylia panted. The tree wobbled as it slowly came off the ground. "Now you can direct it somewhere and once you know where to throw it you say singr you will let go." Darkstripe directed gently. Sylia carefully put it back where it was before. "Wow! You're amazing, Darkstripe!
Darkstripe smiled. "Dark, Dark, Dark, you're still an apprentice sorcerer! You can't teach somebody until you're a master!" Roxy scolded with admiration, for she was proud that her apprentice was such a good teacher. "Sorry Roxy." Darkstripe murmured sadly. "Its fine. Now watch this!" Roxy told them. She started to concentrate. "Furerida byrd!" Roxy pronounced. A ball of fire formed between her wings, she threw it at the ground. "Wow! If only the cubs knew how to do this!" Sylia commented.

Author's note:
I was inspired to put magic pretend words in here like they did in the book Eragon. Finally Roxy is in the story again, right? No one would've guessed that Roxy knew the magical words, right? Surely surprising! Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chapter 7 (different & new)

                        Chapter 7
"Sorry Shong but I know you go unjust things and you are a bit mean to other people, I'll have to go with the cubs. I'm so sorry!" Sylia cried, looking at her paws sadly. "I KNEW NONE OF MY FRIENDS WOULD EVER STAND UP FOR ME!" Shong hissed, throwing back his head feathers with disgust. "What a friend you are Sylia. From now on you will be my ENEMY!" Shong yelled furiously. Shong's words stung Sylia. She betrayed her best friend! "Thank you Sylia!" Fritz purred. After cursing to himself, Shong disappeared with a cloud of smoke. "What happened?!" Claws asked as he ran toward them. "All I saw was Shong and you talking angrily!" Claws told them. "Well...Sylia had to make a choice between us and Shong and she chose us." Sandy told them, looking at Sylia with concern. "I knew I could trust you Sylia!" Spots purred happily, turning to Sylia who turned away. "You should be proud of yourself!" Claws protested, stunned. "DUDE! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Sylia roared at Claws. "You don't treat their dad and my mate like that!" Spots growled, baring her fangs. "Sorry..." Was all Sylia said before she left them and trotted away from their territory. "Hey, you look glum. What wrong?" Asked a black tiger. "Who are you?!" Sylia asked, half shouting. "I am Darkstripe. I was supposed to be shipped from a wood box but instead I was shipped from a permanent marker box! I got black ink all over me! Its permanent!!" Darkstripe hissed, staring at his ink stained fur. Sylia smiled and giggled, looking at Darkstripe. Darkstripe smiled at her. "You think that funny, huh?" He said, a tone of amusement in his voice. "Yeah...kinda. By the way, I'm Sylia the lioness." Sylia said. "So I suppose I'm Darkstripe the black ink stained tiger?" Darkstripe replied, watching Sylia laugh. "Do you know how funny you are Darkstripe? Also could I call you Dark?" Sylia asked still laughing. "Sure you can call me that, and I guess I'll call you Sylia." Darkstripe answered. Sylia didn't care if he didn't answer he question. She was just happy to find a new friend.

Author's Note:
 I'm too lazy to put Darkstripe on the "Characters" page yet.
Anyway, it looks like Sylia could've found a new best friend!
This Chapter 7 wasn't like the first one that I accidentally deleted but it is good enough for your viewing, I actually think this chapter is better than the first one!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bad news

Bad news! I typed chapter 7 but I tried to edit it and it deleted it! DX

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Chapter 6

                          Chapter 6
                       Battle Practice
Once Sylia assured Claws and Spots that she could take care of their cubs they went out to have some time together. "Today I'm going to teach you how to battle!" Sylia announced. Rocky grinned showing his sharp teeth as the others listened and scraped at the dirt with excitement. "Oh boy! Now I can sharpen my claws for a reason!" Junx burst out happily.
"Remember to keep you're claws sheathed so you don't hurt anyone." Sylia instructed. Rocky looked disappointed since he wanted to leave some scratches on Fritz and get some to show off.
They practiced swiping at each other. After a few defense techniques they saw that Sandy mastered the swipe, Rocky mastered giving quick blows, Fritz mastered stealth, Grassy mastered at clawing ears and Junx mastered at giving a deep and quick bite.
Suddenly they heard a "poof"! A golden peacock crept out of the shadows! "Hey bud!" Sylia said happily bowing. "SHONG!?" Rocky hissed. "You didn't think you'd be seeing me anytime soon, huh cubs?" Shong croaked, staring into the blank faces of the cubs. "You know each other, great!" Sylia shouted, clearly surprised and happy. "Sylia, I've had a bad past with their father." Shong said hesitantly. Sylia didn't know whos side she should be on, a best friends or a friendly neighbor!

Stay tuned to find out!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Chapter 5

                      Chapter 5
                                   A Pride Situation
Fritz's parents were hunting together so they decided since they weren't going to be gone long so the cubs would do well on their own! Once their parents left they all took a walk. In fact they were talking and making so much noise that they weren't watching where they were going!!! When they finally realized they strayed too from their territory it was too late. Lions swarmed around them hissing furiously. "Is it too late to say sorry...or is it?" Junx asked.
The first lion, a large muscular male stepped forward. "You have strayed into my pride's territory! This means war!" The male lion growled. "Bu-but! We didn't mean to!" Sandy stammered. "They are cubs, Bones!" Another male lion called. Bones ignored him and launched himself at Rocky. Rocky managed to push him off. A lioness stepped forward and told the cubs to follow her out of the battle. When they were out they thanked her and introduced themselves. "My name is Sylia. Sorry about my dad! Hes know pushy!" She said. As the lions realized that Sylia helped the cubs escape they charged at her. She dodged their blows and managed to give them some bruises and scrapes.
"This pride is harsher than others. I'm leaving!" Sylia growled at the pride as she followed the cheetah's back to their territory.
Right after the cubs got home their parents arrived. "Whats this lioness doing here?!" Claws asked suspiciously. "Her name is Sylia, she left her pride and saved us from major injuries!" Grassy piped up. "Oh, it was nothing!" Sylia said blushing. "Fine she can stay." Claws muttered. "Thank you!" Spots purred to Sylia. After they ate they fell into a deep sleep. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chapter 4

                     Chapter 4
                                          A follower
Rocky was walking as far away as they were allowed with Junx. Suddenly they heard wing beats in the sky behind them! They looked in the sky, Rocky baring his fangs and hissing as hard as he could and Junx looking anxiously. "Hi, I'm Roxy. I'm not sure if you knew this but I've been following you!" A starling said in her sing songy voice. "WHAT?! I, the best leaper, fighter and hunter of the family didn't know that?" Rocky said. "Well Fritz is the best leaper and Sandy is the best hu-." Junx said just before Rocky cut him off. "I meant I knew you were following me!" Rocky growled glaring at his brother angrily. Roxy started laughing.
As they padded back to their den they watched Roxy dive into a nest in a tree. "I think that starling has problems...." Rocky whispered to Junx. "Mhmmmmnnn." Junx mumbled. "NEXT TIME I FIND A BIRD I'M CATCHING IT, JUST WHAT DAD WOULD'VE DONE!" Rocky announced as they arrived at their den. "Next time? What do you mean "next time"???? I don't get it." Sandy said nearly yelling. "Its a long story sis." Junx muttered. "I have a name!" Growled Sandy. "Pretty feisty for a sister." Fritz whispered to Junx, giggling. Junx frowned and headed into the den. Fritz and Grassy followed. "I know what happened. You met a starling named Roxy." Sandy said to Rocky in a matter-of-factly voice. Rocky's jaw dropped open. "How did you know?! You've been spying on me again." Rocky growled narrowing his eyes. Sandy just grinned and headed into the den with Rocky following.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Shong, Claws and Spots' Childhood

Shong was an orphan, he loved to read about crimes and time travel. He was always challenged by a lion named Taiwane who also lived in the orphanage. When he was only 8 he met an old goose who was selling fortune cookies for a penny. Even though he was using his 50 cents to buy bread he decided to buy a fortune cookie. His cookie said that he will become great but rivals will be everywhere. At the time Shong had no idea what this meant. Later his friend, a crocodile named Mong taught him how to do time travel. When he was 12 he had a racing tournament against Claws, a 12 year old cheetah who traveled far to face against Shong. Claws won and from then on they were enemies even though 13 years later Claws asked to be friends, Shong refused.

Claws was the strongest and oldest of his littermates. He loved to race against his sister, Whisker. His best friend was a tiger named Surge who lived in a den near his. Claws had a mother named Ripple and a father named Striker. He had 3 siblings, Whisker, Wasper and Bark. When he was 12 he traveled to Gongmen city to race against a golden peacock named Shong. Claws won by a neck and met Spots when he was taking down a thrush. 

Spots had a mother named Wheat and a father named Fang. She had 2 sisters whose names were Paws and Bracer. She was the best hunter out of her sisters and loved to play "intruder" with her sisters. She met Claws when she was trying to catch a thrush (which Claws caught before her but let her have it). She had 3 litters the first litter had 2 cubs the second had 3 and the last one had 5. Spots always defended her family. When she was searching for a den to give birth to her cubs she met a leopard named Key who showed her where to have birth and when she asked him how he knew he said he sensed it with his "powers".

Monday, January 30, 2012

Chapter 3

                          Chapter 3
                   The Magic Traveler

The next day Fritz was stalking out looking for something to chase. Suddenly a cloud of smoke rose in front of him, he tensed sliding into a defensive crouch. "It is I, Shong. I have traveled from Gongmen city." The golden peacock said bowing. "Ummm, hi. I'm Fritz." Fritz said debating if he should chase this peacock. "Do you have two sisters and two brothers?" Shong asked. "Erm, yes. How did you know?" Fritz said suspiciously. "Theres a prophecy about five cu-!" Shong murmured before Fritz cut him off. "Whats a prophecy?" Fritz asked, tilting his head sideways. "Like foretelling events and, yeah...that stuff." Shong said impatiently. "Can I chase you?" Fritz asked before he knew what he was saying. "Chasing?! Chase a legendary kung fu master's grandfather? I think not." Shong said shaking his head to show that he didn't approve this idea. 
"I'll show you my family!" Fritz said bounding to his den with the peacock dangling in his mouth who was closing his eyes, shuddering. "A golden peacock?" Sandy muttered with interest. "I have a name!" Shong grumbled angrily. These animals don't know how to treat a peacock with respect! Shong thought. Just the thought of that made him quiver angrily. "Looks like bro has a hostile peacock!" Grassy chirped staring at Shong curiously. "So we meet again, Shong." Claws hissed, baring his fangs. "Its a shame that YOUR cubs are in a prophecy." Shong spat. "WHAT DID YOU SAY LUNG?!" Spots growled. "Oh please don't call by my middle name, I really don't like when people do that." Shong said, his voice getting softer as he eyed the wide eyed cubs. Rocky, Junx and Sandy were hissing at Shong as Grassy was curled up in a tight ball, pretending she wasn't there. Fritz was staring into the sky wishing he never met Shong as the cub's parents shot insults at Shong as he replied with ruder comments. Finally the golden peacock had enough and disappeared in the same cloud of smoke.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chapter 2

                         Chapter 2
                                       A Surprising Message
A leopard was running toward them. As soon as he reached them he started saying that his name was Key and that he needed to talk to their  parents. "Sounds suspicious!" Sandy said glaring at Key. "Please!" Key begged. "Fine!" Fritz growled as he lead Key to their den. "Spots! I need to tell you and Claws something important!" Key said quickly to Spots. "Important? I'd say only my family is important!" Spots said firmly. "But I found out that...big change is coming. Things that you don't expect is going to happen!" Keys said twitching his tail back and forth. "Thats junk!" Claws answered before Spots. "Give him a chance!" Grassy's squeaky voice encouraged. The adult's faces went blank, Grassy never spoke up without Sandy by her side! "Grass-!" Spots managed to say before Grassy went on. "Give him a chance! You always give me and my sister and brothers chances! Why not him? Hes no different!!!" Grassy said, her voice getting louder as she spoke. Key smiled. "Some girl you got there Spots." He commented. Spots started to get scared, she never heard her daughter speak with so much meaning in her voice before.
The cubs grabbed their sister by the scruff on the back of her neck as they tried to drag her away from the surprised faces of the adults. "You did good without me!" Sandy whispered to her sister, Grassy. Grassy was respected by her littermates, even Rocky for that speech. Even Key didn't think she was such a pipsqueak anymore. The leopard soon left. The sun was starting to set. Purple, pink and blue started to fill the sky. They heard the coyotes howling in the distance. "Go eat then go STRAIGHT to sleep!" Spots told them in an affectionate way. Soon they were all sleeping.

Chapter 1

                          Chapter 1
                         Birth of Fritz
Once there was a female cheetah, her name was Spots. Her belly touched the ground, she was about to give birth. In about two minutes 5 cubs slid out in the sandy den. "They're beautiful!" Claws, their father said bounding in with a piece of meat in his jaws. "I know but you should've came when they were coming out!" Spots complained with a touch of amusement in her voice. She ate the meat gratefully and started to lick the young. A small cheetah, who will soon be named Fritz wasn't able to push past his brothers and sisters to his mothers belly. He was the runt of the litter. "Lets name this female cheetah over here Sandy!" Spots cried out happily to her mate. "Can I name this little guy?" Claws asked pointing to the runt of the litter (Fritz). "Sure! How bout we'll name this other female Grassy and this two other males Rocky and Junx?" Spots replied. "Sounds good to me! I'll name him Fritz. I have a feeling that he'll grow up to be a strong male cheetah just like me." Claws said gazing at Fritz with admiration.
A couple weeks later the cubs were allowed to go out of the den. "Remember to stay out of ferocious animal's way!" Spots called after them. "Bet I can jump higher then you!" Rocky challenged Fritz. "You're on!" Fritz answered, his eyes brimming with courage. They both leaped, Fritz leaped a couple inches higher than Rocky! "No fair! You haven't eaten so much!" Rocky complained since he didn't want to admit that his smaller brother beat him. "Admit it bro, he beat you." Junx chimed in. Rocky sighed. "I'll beat you next time Fritz!" He declared. "What are you doing?!" Sandy said bounding toward them with Grassy on her paws. "Nothing you girly girls would want to know." Rocky said teasingly. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!" Sandy hissed as she lunged at the surprised Rocky. "Fine, I take that back, now get off me!" Rocky growled as his sister who looked down at him proudly because she caught one of the strongest of the litter off guard. Rocky finally was let back on his paws.


Welcome to my story blog! Its going to be about a cheetah named Fritz! Enjoy!!!