
Brave, proud, playful, shy, hip and sly. Is very easy going sometimes, curious, likes to chase birds and likes to get dirty.
A tom boy, loves to tackle stuff, quick and speedy. HATES being called a girly girl and loves to stretch.
Is a show off, he likes to tease animals alot and is the oldest in the litter.
Likes to sleep, does whatever her sister, Sandy does, is easily frightened and is the youngest of the litter.
Very shy, is like Rocky's side kick and likes to sharpen his claws even though he never uses them.
Caring, has had three litters so far, very hostile at times and loves babies of all kinds.
Loyal, strong, loves to play with his cubs, defends his family at all costs and enjoys hunting with his mate, Spots.
Sly, sneaky, can predict the future and he loves to alert other animals about whats coming next.
Very hostile and rude to animals who don't respect him, is the father of Shen (randomly made it up), can blind someone with his bright feathers, is gentle to young animals and is the second golden peacock in the world.
Is a friendly starling. Is very honest, loves to have company, likes to stay on the ground than fly and smiles and laughs a ton of times.
 Friendly, cares about others, is a good fighter and always does the right thing. 
Is very mysterious. Darstripe is very funny and knows how to make people smile. He was an orphan and hes an apprentice in sorcery.
 Rough, fierce, is the cousin of Silver. Is very stubborn at times but guards everybody as if they are his family. 

Have any character ideas? Comment and tell me what their gender is, what its name is and what animal it is, its personality and how Fritz might meet her/him in the story! Remember not all will be in the story! Please add your user so I can give credit to you, thanks!  
P.S. Try to set up your comment like this:
How Fritz can meet her/him in the story:
Its fine if you don't but it would be easier for me, thanks!  (The text is being hard for me so I can't control if there's a big space between the sentences or if it isn't. D:) 


  1. Aww i love the background on this blog Fritz's is so cute!

  2. Name: Jeniveve
    Animal: Cheetah
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Funny and Kind
    How can they meet: They Can meet when Jeniveve is walking around lonely

  3. Name: Sylia
    Gender: Female
    Animal: Lioness.
    Personality: Battling is her game, but she is kind and loving.
    How they meet: Frtiz and the group walks into her pride's territory, and they battle, Sylia (SIGH-Lai) wins, but doesn't hurt them. She helps them.

  4. Hmmmmmhmmmm I'll get Sylia in the story soon.
    Jeniveve might get in the story later....

  5. YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayZzzzz!!!!!!!! BTW, love how you made her dad 'pushy' it
    fits the story really good! BTW, I have a idea for the next chapter:
    Chapter 6 The Father Of Shen
    Sylia was teaching the Cheetah cubs how to battle and hunt, while their parents were gone out hunting. "Now, try to get that mouse," she said, quietly to Rocky. "Okay," Rocky got ready to pounce. Sylia said to Junx, "Go sharpen your claws. I'll need you next." "Oh, okay!" Junx said. "I like to sharpen my claws for no reason, now I get to!" Junx grinned at Sylia. "Got the mouse." Rocky said. "Pawsome," Sylia said, with a grin on her face. While Sylia wasn't looking, Fritz pounced on Sylia's back. "Haha! I'll beat you, Bones!" Fritz said, perteneding Sylia was her father. "Hey!" Sylia said, pushing Fritz off her back. "Hey! Hey! HEY!!'" Fritz yelled. There was a ratte from the bushes, "Stay back, cubs. It might be my dad. I'm willing to battle him for you." The cubs got back, scared and frightened. A peacock came out. Sylia jumped on him. "Eeek! Help! Get off me, you dirty lioness!" It screamed. "Your not my father..." Sylia said. "Well, of course I'm not! Get off me!" It yelled. "Okay!! I am, you!" Sylia said. Once she got off, he told who he was. "I am Lord Shong, Lord Shen's father." he said.
    You can use that or not, but please do! (Btw you can add more if you do it.)

  6. Yaaayz!!!
    I am so glad.
    Maybe you draw a lioness and use it on here for my picture. :D

  7. @Luvkitty,
    4 chapter 6 I might do something like that.....but since the parents are so glad she saved their cubs they'll let her train them cuz they're usually busy.

  8. Check out chapter 6! Shes split between kind neighbors or a bff!!

  9. Awesome drawing of Sylia! Also , Luv the chapter.

  10. I'm so lovin' the story so far Cocoa! Also, I've analysed the movie some more, and watched the film again and I've come up with some ideas for Shen's mother:
    Name: Yin Lu
    Animal: Peahen (obviously)
    Personality: Kind and caring, loves Shong but doesn't like his temper. Whenever people mention Shen, she cries.
    How they could meet: When Shong is bossing around/annoying the others, Yin Lu comes and scolds him
    Just some ideas ;)

  11. I have a new character:
    Name: Scars
    Gender: Male
    Animal: Tiger
    Personality: Smart, sly, sneaky
    How they meet: Scars was a old bud of Sylia, and knows her sent, so he sniffs her out while she is walking with Fritz.

  12. @Spino11/Jubei,
    Great idea! I like it but I might like 2 experiment a little more with all of the characters first. :D

  13. Name - Night
    Gender - Male
    Animal - Gray wolf
    Personality - Rough, fierce.
    How they meet - Night is walking by and everyone thinks hes a threat. He is Silvers cousin.

  14. Ok For once im NOT using Gold.
    Name: Flame
    Animal: Lion
    Gender: Male
    Personality: None,Sarcastic (if I put Gold in he is flirty with her)
    How they meet: Flame is planing to go visit Gold when he meets up with the others delaying his visit.

  15. WOWIE COCOA YOU MADE THAT STORY ALL BY YOUR SELF!!!THAT WAS AN AMAZING STORY MY FAV CHARACTER IS FRITZ!!!!PS REALLY REALLY AWESOME STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Name:Galaxy
    Personality:Crazy,Mad...Artistic She trys to do the right thing...That stuff...
    How they meet:As the gang walk under the tree she falls down on her feet and go's BOO! lol she's cheeky... She becomes friends with the gang. :3


Hope you enjoy the story! Please don't use any bad words that includes swearing, cursing or just plain bad words! Thanks for reading (if you did)!