Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chapter 1

                          Chapter 1
                         Birth of Fritz
Once there was a female cheetah, her name was Spots. Her belly touched the ground, she was about to give birth. In about two minutes 5 cubs slid out in the sandy den. "They're beautiful!" Claws, their father said bounding in with a piece of meat in his jaws. "I know but you should've came when they were coming out!" Spots complained with a touch of amusement in her voice. She ate the meat gratefully and started to lick the young. A small cheetah, who will soon be named Fritz wasn't able to push past his brothers and sisters to his mothers belly. He was the runt of the litter. "Lets name this female cheetah over here Sandy!" Spots cried out happily to her mate. "Can I name this little guy?" Claws asked pointing to the runt of the litter (Fritz). "Sure! How bout we'll name this other female Grassy and this two other males Rocky and Junx?" Spots replied. "Sounds good to me! I'll name him Fritz. I have a feeling that he'll grow up to be a strong male cheetah just like me." Claws said gazing at Fritz with admiration.
A couple weeks later the cubs were allowed to go out of the den. "Remember to stay out of ferocious animal's way!" Spots called after them. "Bet I can jump higher then you!" Rocky challenged Fritz. "You're on!" Fritz answered, his eyes brimming with courage. They both leaped, Fritz leaped a couple inches higher than Rocky! "No fair! You haven't eaten so much!" Rocky complained since he didn't want to admit that his smaller brother beat him. "Admit it bro, he beat you." Junx chimed in. Rocky sighed. "I'll beat you next time Fritz!" He declared. "What are you doing?!" Sandy said bounding toward them with Grassy on her paws. "Nothing you girly girls would want to know." Rocky said teasingly. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!" Sandy hissed as she lunged at the surprised Rocky. "Fine, I take that back, now get off me!" Rocky growled as his sister who looked down at him proudly because she caught one of the strongest of the litter off guard. Rocky finally was let back on his paws.

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