Monday, January 30, 2012

Chapter 3

                          Chapter 3
                   The Magic Traveler

The next day Fritz was stalking out looking for something to chase. Suddenly a cloud of smoke rose in front of him, he tensed sliding into a defensive crouch. "It is I, Shong. I have traveled from Gongmen city." The golden peacock said bowing. "Ummm, hi. I'm Fritz." Fritz said debating if he should chase this peacock. "Do you have two sisters and two brothers?" Shong asked. "Erm, yes. How did you know?" Fritz said suspiciously. "Theres a prophecy about five cu-!" Shong murmured before Fritz cut him off. "Whats a prophecy?" Fritz asked, tilting his head sideways. "Like foretelling events and, yeah...that stuff." Shong said impatiently. "Can I chase you?" Fritz asked before he knew what he was saying. "Chasing?! Chase a legendary kung fu master's grandfather? I think not." Shong said shaking his head to show that he didn't approve this idea. 
"I'll show you my family!" Fritz said bounding to his den with the peacock dangling in his mouth who was closing his eyes, shuddering. "A golden peacock?" Sandy muttered with interest. "I have a name!" Shong grumbled angrily. These animals don't know how to treat a peacock with respect! Shong thought. Just the thought of that made him quiver angrily. "Looks like bro has a hostile peacock!" Grassy chirped staring at Shong curiously. "So we meet again, Shong." Claws hissed, baring his fangs. "Its a shame that YOUR cubs are in a prophecy." Shong spat. "WHAT DID YOU SAY LUNG?!" Spots growled. "Oh please don't call by my middle name, I really don't like when people do that." Shong said, his voice getting softer as he eyed the wide eyed cubs. Rocky, Junx and Sandy were hissing at Shong as Grassy was curled up in a tight ball, pretending she wasn't there. Fritz was staring into the sky wishing he never met Shong as the cub's parents shot insults at Shong as he replied with ruder comments. Finally the golden peacock had enough and disappeared in the same cloud of smoke.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to learn moremabout shong. where did he come from. How old is he. Does he have story of something he has done in the psat. Some background woulsnfill out the characternand help me to "know" him.


Hope you enjoy the story! Please don't use any bad words that includes swearing, cursing or just plain bad words! Thanks for reading (if you did)!