Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chapter 4

                     Chapter 4
                                          A follower
Rocky was walking as far away as they were allowed with Junx. Suddenly they heard wing beats in the sky behind them! They looked in the sky, Rocky baring his fangs and hissing as hard as he could and Junx looking anxiously. "Hi, I'm Roxy. I'm not sure if you knew this but I've been following you!" A starling said in her sing songy voice. "WHAT?! I, the best leaper, fighter and hunter of the family didn't know that?" Rocky said. "Well Fritz is the best leaper and Sandy is the best hu-." Junx said just before Rocky cut him off. "I meant I knew you were following me!" Rocky growled glaring at his brother angrily. Roxy started laughing.
As they padded back to their den they watched Roxy dive into a nest in a tree. "I think that starling has problems...." Rocky whispered to Junx. "Mhmmmmnnn." Junx mumbled. "NEXT TIME I FIND A BIRD I'M CATCHING IT, JUST WHAT DAD WOULD'VE DONE!" Rocky announced as they arrived at their den. "Next time? What do you mean "next time"???? I don't get it." Sandy said nearly yelling. "Its a long story sis." Junx muttered. "I have a name!" Growled Sandy. "Pretty feisty for a sister." Fritz whispered to Junx, giggling. Junx frowned and headed into the den. Fritz and Grassy followed. "I know what happened. You met a starling named Roxy." Sandy said to Rocky in a matter-of-factly voice. Rocky's jaw dropped open. "How did you know?! You've been spying on me again." Rocky growled narrowing his eyes. Sandy just grinned and headed into the den with Rocky following.

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