Saturday, April 13, 2013

Chapter 12

                             Chapter 12
                          Target Located
Shong crossed his arms stubbornly, "No! What kind of slave are you!? I'm pretty sure I can cook for myself, weakling." A coyote looked at him from the roasting carrion she was cooking. She eyed him suspiciously. "I'm not some slave, Shong! That's no way to talk to your foster mother you just hired today! I thought you asked for a foster mother, I quit!" the coyote pointed her snout in the air, snatched her carrion and began stalking off. Shong grimaced, looks like he'll have to do it himself. Shong knew who his next slave will be. "New target located, Kaiya the coyote." Shong muttered to himself, smirking with a mischievous glint in his eye.  "Oh, foster mother, Mother Kaiya! I take back all the things that I said. And was wondering if you would be my slave, I mean foster mother again." Shong pleaded, there was no hint of apology in his voice. Kaiya sighed and accepted, "I can't stay mad at my little Shongie Pongie!" Shong grimaced at the name 'Shongie Pongie'. He knew if all of the other villains heard his foster mother call him 'Shongie Pongie' again he would be kicked out of their club. 'Shongie Pongie' isn't a name you would fear, it's a name you would laugh at, Shong knew this and knew he wouldn't be a villain with a nickname like that. Shong had to lay down the rules to this coyote, "There will be no laughing, smiling, happiness, smiles, bright colors, nicknames, did I say happiness already? As I was saying, no affection, annoying sounds, and especially, NO FLOWERS! You got that?"  Kaiya realized she started giggling and stopped. Kaiya tried her best to frown even though her mouth felt like smiling. The coyote nodded, still trying to keep her frown in a frown than a smile.

Author's Note:
LAWL! Shongie Pongie?! What a foster mother! *Sighs* Whew... nicknames people make up these days...
Anyways, I'm sorry I haven't been posting in like five months >.<

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Hope you enjoy the story! Please don't use any bad words that includes swearing, cursing or just plain bad words! Thanks for reading (if you did)!